Will I be able to get them off in 6 months--in time to leave for Morocco with nice, straight teeth?
That's the plan. My orthodontist has presented the plan as a 3-6 month timeline; hopefully, it will all work out in the end.
Why did this happen???? (Why would I subject myself to braces yet again?)
Two years ago, I made my mom a deal that if she, a dentist of 20+ years (not going to say how many +'s) would finally go get her teeth fixed, I would spend more than 2 months in one location and get my teeth altered as well. (I originally had braces that modified my mouth significantly, but I lost the shape-retainers back in college...)
Today, I received bottom braces. And a retainer. If you think it's weird to see me now with the braces, you should have seen me before when I was younger, and had the large gap teeth going on. That was before my first set of braces. They needed a lot of work to get done. Overbite with headgear was the fix-it.
Onto the present: It's actually very comfortable for day 1; however, a minor situation came up when I bought a bagel earlier. When I took my first bite, I thought I took a brace off. Either that, or I had moved a brace. I am hoping they are in line. They are still poking me in the Perio's, so that's a good sign. I don't have an appointment for 8 weeks now, so cross your fingers and hope that I do not screw anything up!
No wire poking out the back. Nice.
Colors! I got bright pink, bright green, and bright blue in a continuous pattern.
Pictured below.

Why is this relevant to the Peace Corps? I've begun to realize that this is quite an important question to ask... The Peace Corps sent me a letter this week stating that, since my last dental review was over a year ago, I've got to get another one done. You know, yearly check-ups. Haven't done THAT in 5, 6 years.. Anyway, it reminded my mom, she reminded me, and I'm going to get a cavity filled and my wisdom teeth pulled. There go my smarts..
About the title:
In Arabic (traditionally), each person has two names. The first name--ie, Sameera. And the second name, which shows the possession by a family. For instance, Al-Bassar. It technically could mean 'son of Bassar'. The "Al-" in this example indicates "son of".
On that same line of thought, one of my (favorite) professors used to call me "Bint Bob". In this case, "Bint" means "daughter", and my father's name is Bob. I am, proudly, the daughter of Bob..
Did the plan work out? It’s hard to tell since the 3-6 months timeline was the best guess given that everything went right. As you see, something happened right away with your first bite, although I think a bagel couldn’t have misaligned your braces. Did that mean you didn’t have much problem with eating? The pain usually makes eating an unpleasant activity.
ReplyDelete- Cody Zieba